Astrology readings are for everyone.

How are your planets aligned?

This is the basis of your astrology reading. A reading is the interpretation of where the planets were at the time of your birth. As an astrologer, I use your birth date, birth place and birth time to map out how your planets are aligned. With this map I am able to see your interests, your concerns and what is active in your life during the time of your reading.

A reading is a conversation. During your reading I will introduce areas of your life where I see planetary activity. We will dialogue about them and, usually helpful insights come out of what I have studied about your charts and what I learn about your specific scenarios. 

For example, here is a VERY brief list to give you an idea of what each planet has as theme or story and will help explain:

  • your relationships (Venus)
  • you ability or methods to make or earn money (Venus, Saturn, Mercury.)
  • Are you an athlete, do you fight for certain things or with certain people? That is Mars’ territory.
  • Is your health a point of focus? We would look at particular astrological houses and planets which represent your health and indications of strength, weakness or illness.
  • Want to try something new? We will look at Uranus’ placement.
  • Having a hard time communicating to a person or particular groups of people? Are you giving a talk? Mercury is what will support your ability to come across clearly to most everyone.
  • Do you like to know more about mastery of life’s lessons? Saturn in your chart helps one see where you may have patterns that you learn from and eventually gain mastery and perhaps, an authority on a particular topic. 

Astrology readings are invaluable because, in one way, many people describe the interpretations of their birth chart uncanny. How would a stranger (i.e. the astrologer) know what they do about you during your first meeting? 

Common results or experiences from an astrology reading:

  • Many people feel that they understand their life and/or current circumstances much better from a more objective or clear perspective. 
  • Some feel a 90-minute reading is equivalent to a few therapy sessions because it reveals life themes or patterns and means to utilize or optimize them.
  • There can be a sense of relief because when you have sensed or were troubled by something and, indeed, while a current transit was explained, it was better understood.

Common misnomers about astrology readings:

  • More often than not people are afraid they will be told something bad is going to happen or, they are a bad person, etc. Any astrologer worth their salt is reading a chart to inform, respect and empower the person getting the reading. I am not an astrologer to predict doom nor a rosey future where no one lives unscathed. Everyone has challenges, and areas in life where they want insight, they see room for improvement or want to go towards uncharted territories. This is the light that can be shed on one’s thinking during the reading. 
  • Astrologers do not know your secrets- perhaps they know to what degree you are secretive. 

For thousands of years people have studied the phases of the moon to the movement of the planets in the sky and used the movement of the sun, moon and planets to understand their personal lives as well as the times we are living in. The planets are moving while we learn and grow. An astrology reading is beneficial to help you know what past, present and future planetary positions support and inform you about your life.